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Publisher |
DC |
Colorist |
Dave Tanguay |
Artist |
Howard Simpson |
Artist |
Robert Pope |
Artist |
David Alvarez |
Writer |
Sholly Fisch |
Writer |
Frank Strom |
Inker |
Mike DeCarlo |
Inker |
Scott McRae |
Colorist |
Digital Chameleon |
Letterer |
Travis Lanham |
Letterer |
Saida Temofonte |
Letterer |
Jenna Garcia |
Cover Artist |
Scott Gross |
Published | January 2018 |
BIG BUDGET BLOCK-BUSTED When Granny brings her pets to the movies, Sylvester sees the darkened theater as the perfect place for his favorite snack: a bucket of hot buttered Tweety! RATED E